Business School

President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

We are delighted to announce the winners of the President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching 2012/2013. 

The awards were presented by the President, Professor Brian MacCraith at the Annual Teaching and Learning Day held in the Helix Theatre on 16th May.  The awards are aligned with DCU's strategy, celebrating and recognising teaching and learning excellence.

DCU Business Winners included:

Academic Category Overall: Professor Marann Byrne, DCUBS

“Marann’s expert knowledge, ability to foster deep understanding, her sheer enthusiasm for the subject matter and her commitment to her role as a teacher have fuelled the interest and aspirations of generations of students. Marann’s principal approach to teaching is one which is focused both on developing students’ understanding of core concepts and also on facilitating their mastery of accounting practices.”


Special Award for Distinctive Assessment and Feedback: Dr Claire Gubbins, DCUBS

“Claire has always taken a particularly innovative approach to teaching constantly inspiring her students to learn and continue learning. In my experience, she continuously creates a very stimulating and creative learning environment addressing the diverse needs of her students by integrating hands-on strategies and problem-solving activities into daily teaching practices. Dr Gubbins is a true educator, DCU business school is lucky to have a lecturer with her talent on the team.”


Congratulations to all nominees and winners, for more information on the event visit