President’s Award celebrate DCU engagement
The 2013 DCU President’s Awards for Engagement have been presented at a special ceremony in The Helix. The awards celebrate outstanding contributions by staff and students in the areas of civic, public, social enterprise and student engagement both within and outside DCU.
We are delighted to announce that Tony Foley, Senior Lecturer, Economics, DCU Business School has been awarded a special award for his contribution to the ongoing public debate on the economic crisis, enhancing the public’s understanding of complex economic issues.
“Over the past several years Tony Foley has been a constant voice and face contributing to the economic debate on the full range of current affairs programmes on radio and television. He has been heard and seen at different times from 7 am to 11 pm, seven days a week. Tony’s contributions have been widely acknowledged as clear, objective, expert, analytical and explanatory. I am convinced that his contributions have been a significant element in raising and maintaining a high degree of public understanding and awareness of these complex economic issues as well as enhancing the image and reputation of DCU as a university which engages with society on the important economic issues. " Dr Anne Sinnott, Executive Dean, DCU Business School
For more information on the DCU President's Award, visit http://www.dcu.ie/news/2013/may/s0513s.shtml