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Business School

DCU Accounting and Finance students Astound KPMG with Start-up Ideas

DCU Business School Accounting and Finance first year students have recently presented their Student Business start-up fund business concepts to DCU academic faculty and KPMG. The project involved the students developing and conceptualising a student focused business and preparing to pitch for funding.   This event was sponsored by KPMG.

Mr Paul Vance and his colleagues from KPMG have shown continued support for the student projects. On the day, Paul Vance and his colleagues discussed each business idea with student teams before assessing and selecting an overall winner with DCU academic faculty.

All student submissions were of an excellent standard and displayed a number of viable business ideas however the winning team’s project was “Itsa Fair Trade Ltd”. The simple business idea was selling fair trade coffee to students at a competitive price all based on excellent research.  In addition the team was presented with prizes from KPMG.

The students participating were Accounting and Finance Year 1 students studying in the AC121 Management Accounting: Principles and Concepts module taught by Celine Craddock.