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Business School

Visit to DCU by Shantou University, China

DCU was pleased to host a visit from Shantou University for the purpose of expanding collaboration between the two Universities. The delegation was led by Vice President Prof Danming Lin and was comprised of Deans and senior academics from a wide range of colleges and schools including STU Business School, College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, Law School, School of Journalism and Communication, College of Engineering, and Shantou University International Office.

Shantou University has an existing Student Exchange agreement with the School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies. The visit followed discussions in DCU with a Shantou University delegation in April 2011 and a visit to Shantou University by a delegation from DCU Business School in October 2012. It included an extensive programme of meetings and discussions, through which significant opportunities for further collaboration were identified.

The visit also included the formal signing of three further agreements between the two Universities:

  • A Letter of Intent to provide a framework for further collaboration between schools, faculties and colleges across the two Universities.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the introduction of a 3 + 2 Business programme of study between DCU Business School and Shantou University Business School.
  • A Student Exchange Agreement to facilitate the introduction of a Student Exchange programme between DCU Business School, the School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, and Shantou University Business School.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, DCU President Professor Brian MacCraith warmly welcomed the agreements as a significant development of DCU’s strategic partnerships in China.  Shantou University Vice President Professor Danming Lin also welcomed the agreements as the first formal institutional level agreements by Shantou University in Europe.