Dr Martin Quinn - Management Accounting Textbook Launch
DCU Business School is proud to announce the launch of “Management Accounting” a text book co-authored by Dr Martin Quinn, Management Accounting Lecturer in DCU Business School. This is the first Student Management Accounting Text written by DCU Business School Faulty and will provide a definitive education for tomorrow's "business-partner" management accountants and finance-literate business managers.
“Management Accounting” is a modern and contemporary approach to management accounting, which provides an essential grounding for students studying both traditional and new management accounting techniques. Importantly, this complete text takes its readers beyond just the traditional accounting techniques, to place accounting information and the role of the management accountant in a broader organizational context.
The text book has been equally co-authored by Martin, John Burns from the University of Exeter (also Martin’s PhD supervisor), Liz Warren from the University of Greenwich and Joao Oliveira from the university of of Porto. The four authors have worked together to integrate our teaching and real-world experiences into the book, focusing as much as possible on the changing business environment and its effect on accounting. The text although comtemporary, covers all areas of management accounting techniques and roles. It is thus suited for undergraduate programmes such as our own BAAF and post graduate programmes such as our MSc in Accounting. A mixture of exercises (traditional and web-based), cases and real life examples also make the book appealing to a wide audience. .
The book is available to buy on Amazon and for more information contact Dr Martin Quinn.