Dr Claire Gubbins: appointment as Associate Editor for the Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ)
DCU Business School would like to congratulate Dr. Claire Gubbins on her recent appointment as Associate Editor for the SSCI ranked journal Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ) for a 3-year period commencing January 2013. Claire will collaborate with the other HRDQ editorial team members, which include: Editor, Prof. Andrea Ellinger, Professor of Human Resource Development, University of Texas at Tyler; Associate Editors, Dr. Valerie Anderson, Reader of HRM and Organisational Studies at University of Portsmouth; Prof. Jon Werner, Professor of Management, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; Dr. Kim Nimon, Assistant Professor, University of North Texas; Prof. Maura Sheehan, Professor in International Management, National University of Ireland Galway; and Managing editor Mary Lynn Lunn, University of Texas at Tyler.
Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ) is an SSCI ranked journal scholarly journal focused directly on the evolving field of human resource development (HRD). It provides a central focus for research on human resource development issues as well as the means for disseminating such research. HRDQ recognizes the interdisciplinary nature of the HRD field and brings together relevant research from the related fields, such as economics, education, management, sociology, and psychology. It provides an important link in the application of theory and research to HRD practice. HRDQ publishes scholarly work that addresses the theoretical foundations of HRD, HRD research, and evaluation of HRD interventions and contexts. Articles that specifically focus on theory and integrative literature reviews are typically not considered within the scope of HRDQ. Additionally, articles concerned solely with the practice of HRD are not within the scope of this journal. Relevant keywords for this journal include: human resource development, workplace issues, workplace learning, leadership and management, organizational studies, accountability, assessment, feedback, upward appraisal, cross-cultural issues, evaluation, training, knowledge development, mentoring, coaching, performance appraisals, strategic practices, supervisory training, team development, group development, workplace performance.