DCU Business School "Doing Business in Mexico"
DCU students and staff have just returned from an intensive trip lead Dr. Theo Lynn and Artemisa Jaramillo in Mexico. The objective of this academic journey has been to gain knowledge regarding the Mexican current economic situation and the existent opportunities for Irish educators and businesses.
The weeklong excursion to Mexico included business meetings, workshops and cultural excursions and is aimed at providing the participants with an introduction to ‘Doing Business in Mexico’. The language and deep cultural differences can sometimes be challenging to first time Irish businesses, but those that succeed can gain access to huge domestic market opportunities. The group held meetings in Acapulco, Puebla and Mexico City.
While in Mexico City, the group had an active schedule which included a number of meetings to gain an understanding of opportunities existing in Mexico for Irish business and existing Irish Business. This included a visit to the Congress of Union and briefing from Jorge Federico de la Vega Membrillo, President of the Education Committee at the National Congress. Other meetings included meetings with the Irish Embassy and Viva Aerobus. Digital Marketing played an intrinsic role on the trip and this was incorporated strongly into business meetings with Ogilivy, Google and the Interactive Advertising Bureau.
While in Acapulco, we held the International Symposium of Cloud Computing and Digital Marketing organized by the State Committee for ICT and directed to the government structure from all around the state. Later on, Dr. Theo Lynn offered a seminar on Social Media for the Acapulco Hotels and Tourism Association (AHETA) wherein leaders in the sector listened to the trends on how to improve their businesses reach and reposition Acapulco.
The group was also hosted by UDLAP, the IPBS University Partner in Mexico. The group visited the campus and were given a presentation from the UDLAP´s Zenzontle Dance Troupe.
Each event further exposing the group to business and culture in Mexico along with the potential opportunities for Irish enterprise and professionals in Mexico and South America.