DCU launches UStart Accelerator Programme
Minister Bruton launched UStart, a new programme to encourage third-level students to become entrepreneurs. It will invite multidisciplinary teams of students to develop and present a business idea.
Applicants will offered up to €10,000 seed funding investment Office space and facilities for 4 months in the DCU Innovation campus, assistance with design and build of prototypes Workshops in accounting, legal issues, human resources, marketing, an opportunity to present on an Investor Day attended by venture capitalists and business angels, residential accommodation in campus residences with other start-up teams, mentorship from an extensive network of 100 experienced business experts and professionals.
The programme is open to all students across all disciplines of Dublin City University, the USTART programme provides students with a unique entrepreneurial learning experience, and a foundation from which to launch a successful career.
We look forward to seeing the innovative ideas develop. Closing date for applicants is the 27th of March 2013. For more information and to apply visit dcu.ie/ustart