3rd Annual Awards for Top Students in Junior Certificate Business Studies
Dublin City University Business School celebrated the third annual Junior Certificate awards in recognition of the achievements of the top performers in the Junior Certificate Business Studies Exams in schools in Dublin city and county. The awards were developed to highlight the importance of studying business studies at second level and recognise the excellent achievements of the top performers. The Junior Cert awards also helps to improve collaboration and communication between staff and students at second and third levels of the education sector in the area of business studies, contributing to a better learning environment for students.
DCU wishes to acknowledge the part played in their success by parents and guardians, other family members and the teachers who guided their learning and helped to motivate the students towards their achievement in the business studies exam.
DCU Business School awarded the top three students as follows:
3 Aisling McCormick, Loreto High School, Beaufort
2 Ellen Tuck, Skerries Community College
1 Aoife Manley, Holy Faith School, Clontarf
Congratulations to all schools involved and we wish each student the best of luck as the progress with their academic and business careers.