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'Winning In Tendering' Helps Company Win €200,000 Contracts

DCU's 'Winning in Tendering' project received high praise this week, following the much publicised success of Nugent Safety, on winning a contract with the DAA, in a recent Sunday Times article. With a failed previous tendering attempt, Nugent Safety went on to win a contract to supply uniforms to the DAA having received expert procurement advice from the Winning In Tendering team on how to submit a winning tender. Since then, Nugent Safety, over the last year has gone on to win successive tendering contracts in the airport with a total business value of €200,000.

'Winning in Tendering', an EU-funded project, offers advice to small companies on how to build up their tendering skills and reference points. By doing so, the companies learn how to build a competitive advantage when applying for contracts. (Winning In Tendering Team in picture from L to R: Anthony Flynn, Michael Woods, Emma McEvoy, Jennifer Reilly, Paul Davis)

'Winning in Tendering' is led by Dr Paul Davis, Programme Director M.Sc in Strategic Procurement at DCU Business School. Dr Davis believes that smaller firms can do much to improve their chances when tendering. “Pressure is on government to centralise procurement, this will result in fewer, larger contracts that will be harder for small firms to supply. There is still low-hanging fruit out there for small firms in the form of public sector contracts” said Dr Davis; in tendering “We regularly see questions not answered and sections left unfilled. It’s a shame because there is business out there to be won”.

For procurement and tender winning advice visit www.winningintendering.eu