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DCU Patrick flood

DCUBS disseminates 'Patient Safety' findings at hosted seminar

On Thursday Nov. 1st, DCU Business School hosted a seminar to disseminate findings from a Health Research Board funded project “From Policy to Practice: An International Comparison of Approaches to Systemic Quality and Safety”. The project is a comparison of the Irish and Scottish health systems and aims to evaluate how system and organisational structures and processes affect quality and safety in an effort to inform how systemic quality and safety can be created and embedded. Policy makers, practitioners, and academics from both Ireland and Scotland participated in a very successful seminar which fostered a lively and productive dialog among all actors focused on quality and safety concerns.

The research team is comprised of: Prof. Patrick Flood and Dr. Lauren Hamel of DCU; Prof. Lorna McKee of the University of Aberdeen; and Dr. Aoife McDermott of Cardiff University

The team is supported by an advisory panel comprised of Dr. David Steel, OBE formerly of Quality Improvement Scotland and Prof. Noel Whelan of the University of Limerick

Prof. Naomi Fulop of University College London provided the seminar’s keynote address and Prof. Alan Harvey of DCU provided the seminar’s welcome.

In picture from left to right:

Prof. Alan Harvey (VP of Research at DCU); Prof. Noel Whelan (Vice President/Dean/Professor Emeritus, University of Limerick); Dr. Lauren Hamel (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, DCUBS); Prof. Naomi Fulop (Professor of Health Care Organisation & Management, University College London); Dr. Aoife McDermott (Lecturer of Management, Cardiff University); Prof. Patrick Flood (Professor of Organisational Behaviour DCUBS); Dr. David Steel, OBE (Former CEO of Quality Improvement Scotland)