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Congratulations to Annegret Jennewein, first PhD Graduate of DCU-EBS programme

On the 5th November 2012: Annegret Jennewein received her doctoral title at Dublin City University Graduation Ceremony. Dr. Jennewein (pictured centre with her two supervisors Dr. Edel Conway, DCU – photo left – and Prof. Dr. Niamh O’Mahony, ESB –photo right) is the first PhD student in the joint PhD programme DCU-ESB Business School, a programme which marks an important extension to the International Partnership of Business Schools (IPBS) network. There are currently 3 other PhD students progressing through the programme.

Dr Jennewein’s doctoral thesis was entitled: Perceptions of Leadership across Culture: A Study of French and German Managers and their Employees in both their Domestic and Host Environments.  Dr. Jennewein is also a graduate of the ESB Business School’s undergraduate double degree programme with Reims Management School.

She is currently working as a research associate at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in Munich. As a member of the center’s start-up promotion team, she is in charge of counseling potential future entrepreneurs and mentoring start-up teams.