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DCUBS Celebrates Graduates Success in Professional Accounting and Taxation Exams

DCUBS Celebrates Graduates Success in Professional Accounting and Taxation Exams

On Wednesday, 3rd October, DCU Business School acknowledged the exceptional success of a number of its graduates, in their recent professional accounting and taxation examinations. The celebratory lunch was held in 1838 and attended by Dr. Anne Sinnott, Executive Dean, Business School, Dr. Barbara Flood, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Pauline Willis, Lecturer in Accounting and Marann Byrne, Associate Professor of Accounting, from DCU Business School.

Clare Belton (graduate of the BA in Accounting and Finance and the MBS in Accounting) achieved 1st place in the final examinations (Part 3) of the Irish Taxation Institute, having also achieved 4th place in the Final Admitting Examination (FAE) of Chartered Accountants Ireland in 2011. Michelle Kirwan (graduate of the BA in Accounting and Finance and the MBS in Accounting) was placed 7th among the 1,000+ candidates in the FAE 2011.

In the recent CA Professional 2 examinations of Chartered Accountants Ireland, four DCU graduates achieved Top 10 places. John Nolan (graduate of the BA in Accounting and Finance and the MSc in Finance and Capital Markets) achieved 1st place. Aileen Joyce (graduate of the Professional Diploma in Accounting) achieved 3rd place. Maura Ormiston (graduate of BBS and Professional Diploma in Accounting) and Aisling O’Sullivan (graduate of the BA in European Business) achieved joint 4th place.

All of these graduates achieved first class honours during their studies at DCU Business School. Clare, John, Aileen and Aisling currently work for KPMG and Michelle and Maura work for PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Congratulations to Clare, John, Aileen, Aisling, Michelle and Maura from everyone in the Business School and the very best to your continued success!

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