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DCU Business School announces new MBA Ambassador

New Ambassador for Revised MBA

DCU Business School Centre for Executive Programmes has appointed Colin Moran as its inaugural Master in Business Administration (MBA) Ambassador.

Colin, a Manager with Bank of Ireland Corporate Banking and former Dublin football captain, is currently completing his MBA studies, made possible by a scholarship jointly awarded by the Gaelic Players Association and DCU Business School. In his voluntary role as MBA Ambassador, he will work with DCU Business School for the next two years to promote and grow the DCU MBA brand, through participation in information sessions and promotional events.

Following his appointment, Colin Moran said,

"The MBA programme at DCU Business School has been a transformational experience for me. It has developed my business skills and given me the tools and models that I need to add value to my organisation. But, most importantly, it has developed me as a person. It has helped me to develop my leadership skills and to understand my strengths and weaknesses. You find out a lot about yourself when doing an MBA and, not alone has it helped me to be more effective in my professional life, it has also made me happier in my role."

The announcement was made during the launch of the revised DCU MBA programme. Following a comprehensive two-year review with stakeholder groups, the new programme now features:

• A Strategic Consultancy Project where participants carry out a 'live' case study scenario within an Irish-based enterprise, bringing together all the learning from the two year programme.

• A Domestic Enterprise Engagement module which focuses on indigenous and foreign companies operating from Ireland, introducing participants to the challenges of doing business in the current climate, both domestically and globally.

• An International Enterprise Engagement module where participants spend a week in Boston undertaking classes delivered by faculty members from Harvard Kennedy School and Boston University. This module will also feature site visits to eight large US-based companies to experience first-hand international best practice.

• A personal leadership module delivered by academic staff from Northeastern University, Boston.

Dr Anne Sinnott, Executive Dean at DCU Business School, said,

'The DCU MBA programme is widely recognised as the degree of choice for enterprising executives with ambitions to move up the career ladder. Our success is due in part to constantly keeping abreast of international MBA developments and refreshing our programme to stay in tune with the current business environment. We are very proud of our MBA and believe that our revised programme will meet and exceed the requirements of executives operating in a global environment.'

The DCU MBA is accredited by AMBA (Association of MBAs) whose accreditation service is the global standard for all MBA, DBA and MBM programmes.

For further information on the DCU MBA programme, visit www.dcu.ie/dcubs or email bernadette.mcculloch@dcu.ie or mbaambassador@dcu.ie