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Business School
Students & Academic staff pictured at the March 2012 Graduation Ceremony

First PhD graduates from the DCU Business School Professional Doctoral Programme

The first students graduated from the DCU Business School Professional Doctoral Programme, in a ceremony held on March 24th.


Before the graduation ceremony in the Helix, the five candidates, their families and friends attended a special award ceremony at DCUBS hosted by Dr. Anne Sinnott, Dean, DCUBS, Prof. Colm O'Gorman, Associate Dean for Research, DCUBS, Dr, Teresa Hogan, Director of Doctoral Studies, Siobhain McGovern, out-going Director of Doctoral Studies, Sarah Ingle, Lecturer in Enterprise Development.



5 PhD students graduated from DCUBS at the March 24th 2012 Graduation Ceremony , including the first 3 PhD graduates form the Professional Doctoral Programme included;


1. Ali Junaid Ahmad (Supervisor Sarah Ingle) - On the Structure and Internal Mechanisms of Business Incubators. A comparative case study.

2. Louise Chalkley (Supervisor Teresa Hogan) - What is Entrepreneurship? A phenomenological enquiry into the venture creation process of a rapidly growing firm: The Archaeology Company

3. Kerrie Flemming (Supervisors Janine Bosak, Patrick Flood) - Strategic Leadership of Architectural Firms in Ireland: The role of emotion management and innovation

4. Peter Robbins (Supervisor , Colm O'Gorman) - A case study of innovation teams and team leadership in a large, R&D intensive firm

5. Patrick Ivory (Supervisor , David Jacobson, Siobhain McGovern) - Clusters and Cluster Initiatives: The Role of Collaboration and Social Capital in Building a System of Innovation in Ireland


Congratulations to everyone involved!