DCU Professor appointed as academician of the Academy of Social Sciences
The distinguished award of Academician has been conferred on Professor Patrick Flood by the Academy of Social Sciences, UK.
Nominated by their peers; academicians are distinguished scholars from academia and the public and private sectors who have demonstrated a significant contribution to the field of social sciences.
"The voice of the social sciences grows ever stronger by bringing together the outstanding social scientists of our time," said Professor Cary Cooper, Chair of the Academy.
New Academicians represent a very wide range of disciplines, some being put forward by their learned society as the most prominent amongst their membership, whilst others have been nominated by Academicians as an acknowledgment of their leading status in their discipline
Dr Anne Sinnott, Dean, DCU Business School said
’’We are delighted that Patrick’s significant contribution to the field of the Social Sciences has been recognised by the Academy.
As head of the DCU Business School HRM & Org Psych Group, Patrick leads a vibrant research community which will join with me in congratulating Patrick on this prestigious award."
Professor Flood, Head of HRM and Organizational Psychology at DCU Business School is extensively published in the field of organizational behavior. His work focuses on the contribution and performance effects which are a consequence of leadership and management practice in both the public and private sector. He is the author of some 14 books including Leadership in Ireland (Blackhall, 2010) and Persuasive Leadership: Lessons from the Arts, Jossey Bass, 2010) as well as over 40 articles in leading journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Human Resource Management, Human Relations and the British Journal of Industrial Relations.
He is a recipient of the DCU Presidents Award for Research, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a former Fulbright Scholar at the University of Maryland. The HRM and Organizational Psychology Group at DCU is one of the leading research groups in Ireland with a strong international presence and reputation.
Professor Flood will work with other members towards the Academy’s mission of promoting social sciences for the public benefit.
The Academy responds to UK Government consultations on behalf of the social science community, organizes events and seminars and sponsors a number of schemes that promote the social sciences
Further information from:
Professor Patrick Flood: 01-7006943; email: patrick.flood@dcu.ie
Academy of Social Sciences Website: http://www.acss.org.uk/