DCU Business School Graduation 2011
Over 2,500 students graduated from Dublin City University at ceremonies held in the Helix on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 November 2011.
DCU Business School would like to congratulate the MBS in Marketing class of 2011.
Pictured above are; Beatrice Bartmann, Nikolay Bonev, Lisa Maria Brown, Cian Corbett, Hanh Dang, Deep Kumar Dixit, Edel Egan, Adam Fallon, Laura Farrell, Melanie Farrell, Noel Gleeson, Roisin Haugh, Kenneth Kiernan, Tor Gunnar Lægreid, Ka Man Ma, Xiaoyan Makila, Stuart Mc Innes, Maeve Sarah Mc Quillan, David Mc Weeney, Brian Moloney, David Moore, Cathal O Reilly, Karen O'Rourke, Gabriele Rudaviciute, Seanpaul Walsh, Bettina Katrin Wuerdinger
Already, these graduates are working for companies as diverse as Google, IBM, Vodafone, Caledonian Life, and Cawley Nea/TBWA among others.
For more information on the MSc in Marketing click here.