Business School
Dr Yuhui Gao, DCUBS Prof Di Liu, CUEB Mr Billy Kelly, DCUBS Prof Bernard Pierce, DCUBS Prof Wenjin Ke, CUEB Dr Aileen Pearson-Evans, SALIS Prof Xuhong Zhang, CUEB
Academic Council from Capital University of Economics and Business CUEB, China Visit
A delegation led by Professor Wenjin Ke, Chairman of the Academic Council from Capital University of Economics and Business CUEB, China visited DCU on 1st December 2010. The delegation was warmly welcomed by Vice- President for Learning Innovation Professor Richard O'Kennedy, Prof Bernard Pierce, Dean DCU Business School, and Dr Aileen Pearson-Evans, Head of School of Applied Language & Inter-cultural Studies. The purpose of the visit was to further develop staff and student exchange programmes between the two institutions. DCU Business School and College of business Administration, CUEB signed an agreement on a joint 3+1+1 programme in February 2009.