Business School
Futurecast Workshop – A new Paradigmatic Philosophy
Q301, 3rd Floor, DCU Business School
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Professor Luiz Moutinho, DCU Professor of BioMarketing & Futures Research, will host a workshop on on the 21th of April introducing the concept of Futurecast, its related research methodologies and outputs.
Futurecast is an academic and business research -based methodological orientation pursuing the following specific aims and objectives related to the development of, and contribution to knowledge in areas of investigation related to future trends in marketing , management or any other field of societal relevance.The role of Futurecast applications of economic and management research can contribute to major improvements in several society sectors. Its main role is to identify, and to study key trends where knowledge effectiveness and corporate performance can be enhanced.
This research philosophy will allow the scholarly anticipation of the future which will benefit society,business systems and human beings.The Futurecast research methodological DNA will involve many techniques from both a phenomenological and nomothetic scientific realms. All these methods can be clustered into four categories :expert-based, consumer-based , forecasting-based and laboratory –based.
Several industry giant already enjoyed the results of Futurecast such as Nestle, Procter and Gamble , Unilever, Volkswagen and many others. Hopefully you will have the pleasure to know about it by joining us during our workshop on 21th of April
09.00: Registration
09.15: Futurecast – A new Paradigmatic Philosophy - Part 1
- The concept of Analytical Scanning
- Applied Futures Research
- The Futurecast Process
- Trends-Assessment and Selection
- Research Scope-Examples of over 200 trends analysed by the Marketing Futurecast Lab
- The Futurecast Methodological DNA
- Data Collection Methodologies-Phenomenological and Nomothetic.
- Experts- based and Consumer-based
10.15: Coffee Break
10.30: Futurecast – A new Paradigmatic Philosophy - Part 2
- Examples of Application
- Overview and Classification of Futures Research Methods
- Data Analysis Methodologies
- Futurecast Outputs-from Digests to Analytical Reports
- Structured Examples of Trends and New Management Concepts analysed
11:00: Small Groups’ Exercise on Futures Research
11:45: Presentations and Discussion
12:30: Closing.