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DCU Business School - John-Kevin Barrett

DCU Business School

John-Kevin Barrett

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Academic and Professional Qualifications: B.Comm., M.B.S., D.B.A., H.Dip. in Ed., Dip. SHWW., FCIPD., FIITD
Biography: John-Kevin Barrett worked in the Receivership and Liquidations Dept. of KPMG (formerly Stokes, Kennedy & Crowley) from 1974 to 1977, dealing mainly with personnel and industrial relations issues of client companies and with various industrial relations institutions externally. From1978 to1980 he lectured in personnel management and industrial relations in DIT (College of Catering, Cathal Brugha Street). Since late 1980 he has been lectured in DCU (formerly NIHED) in People Management modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Teaching Areas: Industrial Relations Framework
Industrial Relations: Procedures & Bargaining
Industrial Relations Issues
International Industrial Relations
Research Interests:

Industrial Relations, Trade Union and Employment Law.
Employee Disciplinary Procedures and Issues.
Internal Trade Union & Employer Association Structures.

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