Centre for Research in Management Learning and Development - Selection of Recent Publications
centre for research in management learning and development
selection of recent publications
Working Papers
A Social Capital Perspective on the Role of Human Resources Practices in
Intra-organisational Knowledge Sharing
Angelos Alexopoulos and Kathy Monks
Managing the work-family interface: Some Irish evidence
Melrona Kirrane
Contributing to work-family domain conflict: exploring the avenues
Melrona Kirrane & Finian Buckley
The Psychological Effects of Commuting in Dublin
Brendan O' Regan & Finian Buckley
Connecting Management Learning with Change Experiences: Revisiting HR manager education
Finian Buckley, and Kathy Monks
Polychronicity At Work::When personal time values clash with organisational expectations.
Finian Buckley
Identifying Management Needs In A Time Of Flux: A New Model For Human Resource Manager Education
Finian Buckley , Kathy Monks and Conor McKevitt
Designing a HR System: Pitfalls, Possibilities and Performance
Kathy Monks, Mick Loughnane and John McMackin
Managing Knowledge in the International Firm: the Role of Communities of Practice in Transforming HRM
Kathy Monks and Finian Buckley
‘Greenfield' Sites in Brownfield Locations: Creating 'New' HR Systems through Managing 'Old' HR Problems
Kathy Monks, Mick Loughnane and John McMackin
Understanding the Mosaic: National Insights and International Dimensions
Kathy Monks
Performance Related Pay: Hot Air or Industrial Gas?
Pauline Grace
Relating Career Stage to Attitudes towards HR practices and Commitment:
Evidence of Interaction Effects?
Edel Conway
Assessing the Importance of Multi-Dimensional Commitment to International HRM: Evidence from Employees in the Irish Financial
Services Industry
Edel Conway and Kathy Monks
Unravelling the complexities of high commitment management: an employee
Edel Conway and Kathy Monks
Barker, P., and Monks, K. 2000. Flexible Working Practices in Accountancy Firms. Dublin: Oaktree Press.
McNiff, J., McNamara, G, and Leonard, D. 2000. The Politics of Educational Knowledge: Action Research, Professional Development and Organisational Improvement. London: Routledge
Morley, M., Linehan, M. and Walsh, J.S. 2002. International Human Resource Management and Expatriate Transfers: Irish Experiences, Dublin: Blackhall Publishing.
Refereed Articles
Buckley, F. and Hurley, J. 2001. "Change in the nature of the University: The quality regime and its effects on the University teaching environment" Social Science Information, 4(4), 545-576.
Mullins, J., Linehan, M. and Walsh, J.S. 2001. "People-Centered Management Policies: A New Approach for the 21st Century" in Irish Journal of Management, Vol 22, (1), pp. 127-139.
Linehan, M. and Walsh, J.S. 2001. "Key Issues in the Senior Female International Career Move: A Qualitative Study in a European Context", in British Journal of Management , Vol 12, (1), pp. 85-95.
Linehan, M., Walsh, J.S. and Scullion, H. 2001. "Barriers to Women's Participation in International Management", in European Business Review, Vol 13, (1), 2001: pp. 10-18, Winner of the Outstanding Paper Award, 2001
Linehan, M. and Walsh, J.S. 2000. "Work-Family Conflict and the Senior Female International Manager", in British Journal of Management , Vol 11, (September - Special Conference Issue), pp. S49-S58.
Mac Keogh, Kay 2001 National Strategies for the Promotion of On-Line Learning in Higher Education in European Journal of Education Vol 36 No 2 pp225-236
McNamara, Gerry. 2002. 'Whole School Evaluation and Development Planning': Educational Management and Administration. 30: 2, pp 201-213
Monks, K. and Walsh, J.S. 2001. "The Role of Postgraduate Education in Management Development" in Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol 25, (2/3/4), pp. 148-156.
Monks, K., Scullion, H., and Creaner, J. 2001. 'HRM in Irish International Firms', Personnel Review, Vol. 30, No. 5: 536-553.
Monks, K., Barker, P. and Ni Mhanachain, A. 2001. 'Drama as an Opportunity for Learning and Development' , Journal of Management Development, Vol. 20, Nos 5 & 6: 414-423..
Monks, K. and McMackin, J. 2001. 'Constructing a HR system: best practice or good practice?'. Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2: 57-89.
Mullins, J., Linehan, M. and Walsh, J.S. 2001. "People-Centered Management Policies: A New Approach in the Irish Public Service" in Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol 25, (2/3/4), pp. 116-125.
Twomey, A-M., Linehan, M. and Walsh, J.S. 2002. "Career Progression of Young Female Accountants: Evidence from the Accountancy Profession in Ireland", in Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol 26 (2/3/4): 117-124.
Book Chapters
Mac Keogh, Kay 2001 The new technologies and breaking through transnational and transdisciplinary boundaries: A case study of a virtual seminar on globalisation in Chambers, Ellie et al (eds) Subject Knowledges and Professional Practice in the Arts and Humanities. Milton Keynes: Institute of Educational Technology pp 97-104
Mac Keogh, Kay 2000 Assessing students in online seminars in Baumeister, Hans-Peter, Williams, John and Wilson, Kevin (eds) Teaching Across Frontiers: A Handbook for International Online Seminars Tuebingen: DIFF pp135-142
Mac Keogh, Kay 2000 in DIFF Planung, Entwicklung von Fernstudienangeboten Tuebingen: Deutsches Institut fur FernststudienForschung.
Mac Keogh, Kay 2000 'Assessment in the New Electronic Learning Environments' chapter in Williams, John (ed) Handbook for International On-line Teaching and Learning Mac Keogh, Kay and Baumeister, Hans-Peter 2000 'Policies and Practice in Open and Distance Learning: The Phare Multi-Country Programme for Distance Education 1995-1999' in Wagner, Erwin and Szucs, Andras (eds) Research and Innovation in Open and Distance Learning: The First Research Workshop of EDEN, Budapest: European Distance Education Network pp13-16
McNamara, G. 2000 'Curriculum and Methodology Development through Action Research', In Cave, E., McKenna, P., and Wilkinson, C. Eds. Managing Education in a Changing World. (forthcoming)
Monks, K. 2002. 'The role of the corporate HR department in Irish international firms.' In M. Linehan, M. Morley and J. Walsh (Eds) International Human Resource Management and Expatriate Transfers: Irish Experiences, Dublin: Blackhall Press.
Monks, K. 2002. 'Personnel or Human Resource Management: A choice for Irish Organisations?'. In P. Gunnigle, M. Morley and M. McDonnell (Eds) The John Lovett Lectures A Decade of Developments in Human Resource Management, Dublin: The Liffey Press.
Conference Papers
Buckley, F and Monks, K. "Women only Management Education: Toward a more diverse work environment". Presented and published in Proceeding of the Global Management Conference, Barcelona, June, 2001.
Buckley, F and Monks, K. "Learning as Change and Change as Learning: Re-educating the HR manager for the future. Paper presented and Published in the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual conference on Insight & Action, Brisbane, Australia, Sept 2000.
Buckley, F. and Monks, K. 2002. 'Facilitating Deep Learning and Meta-competency Development among Human Resource Managers', Irish Academy of Management Conference, 5/6 September, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Buckley, F. and Monks, K. 2001. 'Responding to Managers' Learning Needs in An Edge of Chaos Environment', Academy of Management Annual Conference, Washington DC, 3-8 August. Conway, E. and Monks, K. 2002.
'Towards a Model of High Commitment Management: An Individual Level Analysis'. British Academy of Management Conference, Hammersmith, London, 7/8 September. Conway, E. and Monks, K. 2002. ' HR Practices, Commitment and Career Stage', Irish Academy of Management Conference, Waterford, 5/6 September.
Mac Keogh, Kay and Stevenson, Keith 2001 Student expectations of tutor support: An expectations led quality assurance model published in Proceedings 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition CD-ROM ISBN-NR 3-934093-01-9 Hagen: FernUniversitat
Mac Keogh, Kay 2001 Access, Expertise, Attitudes and ICTs in the Humanities: An Irish Case Study in EADTU (ed) EADTU Millennium Conference: Wiring the Ivory Tower: Linking Universities Across Europe Paris 28-30 September 2000 Proceedings Heerlen: European Association of Distance Education Universities pp 286-295
Mac Keogh, Kay 2001 Lifelong learning for the Celtic Tiger: the role of ICTs and open and distance learning. Paper for Academy of Management Conference - Symposium on Management Education and Development Strategies in a High Performance Economy Washington DC 6-8 August 2001
Mac Keogh, Kay and Bancroft Dennis 2000 Receptivity or resistance? Attitudes of distance learning tutors to using the information and communications technologies in open and distance learning Paper presented to ICDE Conference: Distance Education an Open Question? Adelaide, 11-13 September 2000
Mac Keogh, Kay 2000 Laying the foundations for the information society - policies for access to ICTs in lifelong learning in Rocha Trindade, Armando (ed) ODL Networking for Quality Learning - Proceedings The Lisbon 2000 Conference Lisbon: Universidade Aberta pp352-357
McNamara, Gerry, 'Evaluating Minority Participation at Dublin City University': Paper given at the joint conference of SEDA, The Staff and Educational Development Association of Great Britain and the All Ireland Society for Higher Education, 11th to 12th April 2002, Dublin Castle
McNamara, Gerry. 'Vision in the Curriculum: Evaluating a Pilot Project on Film Studies in Irish Schools'. Paper given at the 9th International Conference of CEDAR, The Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research, University of Warwick 18th to 19th March 2002. Monks, K., Walsh, J. and Buckley, F. Round Table discussion on Management Education, Learning and Development. Irish Academy of Management Conference, 5/6 September, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Monks, K. and Schuster, F. 2001. 'Understanding the HRM-Performance Linkage: Insights and Explanations', Global HRM Conference: Comparative HRM -Learning from Diversity, Barcelona, 19-22 June.
Bang, Joergen, Baumeister, Hans-Peter, Mac Keogh, Kay 2001 Evaluation of the Phare Multi-Country Distance Education Programme April 2001 Turin: European Training Foundation (unpublished commissioned evaluation report)
Fox, Seamus and Mac Keogh, Kay 2001 The PICTURE eLearning Project: Online Resources; Pedagogical Techniques; Higher-Order Learning and Tutor Support Dublin: Oscail
Mac Keogh, Kay 2000 'National Policies on the Cost-Effective Use of New Information Technologies in Lifelong Learning' Background paper DECS/EDU/HE for Council of Europe Workshop on Lifelong Learning for Equity and Social Cohesion: A New Challenge to Higher Education, Catania, 6-8 April 2000