DCU CREATE PhD Studentship (5 years, P/T)
DCU Institute of Education invites applications for a studentship for PhD studies (part-time) within DCU CREATE - The Centre for Collaborative Research Across Teacher Education.
DCU CREATE is a dynamic Centre for collaborative research in teacher education across the continuum - initial teacher education, induction, and continuing professional development. Located in DCU Institute of Education, CREATE is cross-sectoral and inclusive in approach, incorporating staff expertise and research in Early Childhood Education, Primary, Post-Primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education. The Centre is founded on a strong multidisciplinary approach whereby networked members draw on the best of their own individual disciplinary knowledge and expertise to serve the strategic goals and collaborative orientation of CREATE. The mission of CREATE is grounded in an explicit commitment to high quality collaborative research leading to innovation, new knowledge, and policy development that has strong, relevant, translational impact manifest in transformed lives and a better world.
The purpose of this PhD research is to recruit a part-time PhD student to explore via the publication of a series of research papers in high impact Scopus ranked journals, a topic related to the broad theme of Wellbeing and Education.
This is an opportunity to undertake funded (fee-only) part-time PhD studies commencing in September 2024. This seed funding will cover p/t fees up to €2,942 per annum for a maximum of five years.
Applicants should have a specialised interest in an area of Wellbeing and Education (for example, a topic related to health and wellbeing in the early childhood, primary, post-primary, further education or higher education sectors) and have developed a research proposal that will lead to a research degree of PhD.
DCU CREATE part-time PhD Studentship (fee-only) Details
The successful candidate will enjoy a range of supports within the University and the Faculty, including Graduate Training Elements as well as having the opportunity to interact with research students and staff members. The candidate is expected to commence their studies on or before 1st September 2024, and attend the University Orientation and Induction Programme for Postgraduate Research Students and contribute to Faculty activities commensurate with their studies. In addition, for a growth in doctoral student numbers to be impactful, we also need to ensure that all our students have the necessary supports and supervision to publish during the doctorate journey, at a level reflecting good performance for their discipline.
Postgraduate Research Study at DCU institute of Education
Committed to academic excellence and innovation, DCU Institute of Education provides a transformative student experience through its PhD Research Programmes. As a centre of excellence in post-graduate research, the IoE hosts internationally recognised experts in its research centres across all sectors of education, from early childhood right up to and including further and higher education. It has an ambitious programme of education research and provides a research environment that is student-centred and inclusive.
Belonging to an academic community is central to any research student’s experience here. Working with, and learning from, global leaders in education research, ensures our students participate in an active academic community. We are committed to a culture of career readiness, providing an education that will equip our research graduates to develop valuable transferable skills. In a world of new opportunities, today’s research graduates need to be adaptable, flexible and innovative. We are confident our research graduates will flourish in the challenging and complex contexts of 21st century societies.
Eligibility Criteria
Conditions of the DCU CREATE Part-Time PhD Studentship (Fee-Only)
Applicants should have a specialised interest in an area of Wellbeing and Education (for example, a topic related to health and wellbeing in the early childhood, primary, post-primary, further education or higher education sectors) and have developed a research proposal that will lead to a research degree of PhD.
The successful candidate will be required to register for a part-time research degree (PhD) at DCU Institute of Education. This fee-waiver is available to EU fee eligible applicants. You will be required to provide supporting documentation to confirm your EU status before a decision on your fee status can be confirmed. The successful candidate will be allocated a supervisory panel for the duration of their studies which will contain at least one primary supervisor and an Independent Panel member. The successful applicant will meet the eligibility requirements of Postgraduate Research students at IoE, Dublin City University as follows:
PhD: Candidates holding an appropriate Master’s degree obtained by research may apply for direct entry to the PhD register to conduct research in a cognate area.
PhD-track: Candidates with a taught Master’s degree in an appropriate discipline with first or second-class honours, and candidates with a primary degree in an appropriate discipline with first or second-class honours, grade one, may apply and be considered for entry to the PhD-track register with a view to proceeding towards a PhD. Such candidates will undergo a confirmation procedure, as outlined in the Academic Regulations, before being admitted to the PhD register.
To Apply:
Please email the following documents in one PDF to create@dcu.ie
The closing date for receipt of application documentation is 1st August 2024
- Cover letter
- Full Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of transcripts of qualifications
- Research proposal – please use Institute of Education Research Proposal Form (Appendix A)
- Please put DCU CREATE Institute of Education part-time PhD Studentship (fee-only) in the subject bar of all email communications.
Informal enquiries for:
- PhD study at the DCU Institute of Education - Dr Gillian Lake – IoE Chair of Postgraduate Studies by Research: gillian.lake@dcu.ie.
- Dr Sabrina Fitzsimons– Co-Director of the DCU CREATE (create@dcu.ie)
Assessment Process
Applications will be assessed by a panel of evaluators from DCU Institute of Education in August 2024. Applications will be assessed according to the specific weightings as follows:
Criteria for Assessment |
Weighting |
Academic Record (e.g. prior academic record, prior relevant business/work experience, academic and employer reference) |
40% |
Quality & Relevance of Research Proposal, and Reasons for applying for PhD studies at this time. |
60% |
Please note that shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview.
NOTE: Qualifications/eligibility may not be verified by Dublin City University until the final stage of the process. Therefore, those candidates who do not possess the eligibility requirements, and proceed with their application, are putting themselves to unnecessary effort/expense and will not be offered a position from this campaign. An invitation to interview or any element of the selection process is not acceptance of eligibility.
PhD by Publication:
The PhD thesis by publication should consist of: a. a set of published papers and/or papers accepted for publication; and b. an accompanying set of chapters no less than 10,000 words in length which sets the papers in the context of existing literature, gives a detailed overview of the theme(s) common to all papers included in the thesis, argues the coherence of these publications, and justifies the methodology adopted. This overarching critical document should evaluate the contribution that the research in the submitted publications makes to the advancement of knowledge in the research area. The maximum word length of the thesis, including the accompanying set of chapters, selected papers, references and notes is 90,000. Only peer-reviewed book chapters or papers (published journal papers, or papers accepted for publication) in reputable peer-reviewed outputs for the discipline(s) in question can be considered for inclusion when a thesis is submitted for examination. A minimum of three papers is required, however the number of papers may be higher and vary across disciplines, vary in length of individual papers, etc.