BA Single Module

Arts (Single Module)

Course Details

Course Code:
Course Type:
NFQ Level:
Delivery Modes
Online Distance Learning
Minimum Points
4 yr
+353 (0) 1

Are you interested in upskilling? Are you a post-primary teacher who wishes to obtain Teaching Council registration for History, English or CSPE? Are you seeking to study for personal enjoyment? Then the Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) programme is for you.


Overview Icon

Get your third level award at your own pace or Professional Development for Teachers

The Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) study option offers you the attractive opportunity to study a variety of interesting Humanities subjects at an Honours degree level through online distance learning, without having to commit to a full-time, or part-time, campus-based programme. If you wish to pursue an award of Diploma or Degree in Humanities you can accumulate your credits using this option too.

Sarah completed her degree in Humanities while working full time and living in Balbriggan.

Watch our Open Day taster lecture as an online learner:

DCU People

Profile picture of Janet O'Connor
Janet O'Connor

I started my degree in humanities when I was an English language teacher in a secondary school with the aim of branching out into teaching humanities subjects. 

Read more about Janet O'Connor
Profile picture of Gary White
Gary White

I loved every minute of it!

Read more about Gary White

Careers & Further Options

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The Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) study allows you to undertake study at university degree level for personal enjoyment or continual professional development (CPD) purposes or accumulating credits  towards an exit award.

Studying of Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) modules will develop skills such as critical thinking, high quality written expression, and transferable skills such as organisation and time-management. The knowledge, abilities and skills you will develop are highly valued by employers and will also be useful and valuable to you should you undertake any further study.

Potential Careers:

  • Post-Primary Teacher
  • Historian
  • Librarian
  • Museum curator
  • Academic
  • Writer
  • Journalist 
  • Community Worker
  • Social Worker

In these areas:

  • Education
  • Personal Development
  • Office of Public Works
  • Social Work
  • Community Groups
  • Journalism 

Many Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) students have gone on to successfully enter the teaching profession (post-primary level) and existing post-primary level teaching staff have enhanced their teaching prospects by adding another subject to their teaching repertoire.

Teaching Council:

Many people enter their studies with the ambition of becoming a teacher. The Teaching Council was established to encourage teaching as a profession at primary and post-primary levels and to promote the professional development of teachers and to regulate standards in the profession.

For further information contact:


Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements Icon

All applicants making an application for the Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) must


  • Upload a copy of their current and valid passport (biographic and photo page) as proof of identification
  • Applicants aged over 23 years on January 1st in the year of entry are eligible for admission to the programme subject to submitting the required documentation and paying a deposit.
  • Applicants who are under 23 years on January 1st in the year of entry must upload a copy of their current and valid passport and also a copy of their leaving certificate results and must satisfy the normal minimum degree entry requirements of Dublin City University which are detailed here Subject to meeting the requirements an offer will be made and a deposit required.

In addition, applicants who are non-native speakers of the English language must satisfy the university requirements for competency in the English language.

Course Structure

Course Structure Icon

The DCU Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) study option allows you to undertake study at (level 8) degree level for personal enjoyment or professional development. You can complete your modules without having to commit to study towards an exit award or alternatively accumulate your credits towards an award of Diploma or Degree, the choice is yours

Of specific interest to many Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) students is that the History, Literature and Sociology modules are recognised by the Teaching Council of Ireland for general registration in relation to the (post-primary level) teaching of History, English and CSPE respectively. Post-primary level teachers who wish to up-skill and become registered in one of these subject areas may use the BASM programme in order to accomplish this goal.

At the beginning of the academic year, you can choose from a suite of modules in English, History, Philosophy, and Sociology. As a Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) student, you will have access to an array of self-study learning materials and resources, along with reading lists for required textbooks. Studying Humanities and Social Science subjects necessarily involves spending a lot of time reading academic material.

Course Structure:

As a Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) student you may choose to study from a range of modules in the following Humanities subject areas:

Each of these subject areas is presented as a suite of six modules, which cover different aspects of that subject.

The Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) study option allows you to undertake the study of these modules for personal enjoyment or continual professional development (CPD) purposes without aiming to exit with an award.

You also have the choice of continuing your studies to accumulate enough credits for an award of Diploma or Degree in Humanities i.e. 120 credits for the Diploma or 180 credits for the Degree. Students have up to 8 years to accumulate these credits and exit with an award.  

Please note that the programme is under constant review and there may be changes to the structure, content and presentation of the programme in future years.

Each module is awarded 15 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credit points.

Module Selection:

The modular structure of the Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM) study option gives students choice and flexibility in choosing which module(s) to undertake. Module choice may be subject to individual module regulations. The number of modules you undertake each year will depend on your individual circumstances. If you wish to undertake more than one module, please see the registration rules in relation to module selection. If you are returning to study after a long absence, and/or you are in full-time employment it is recommended that you should not take more than two modules in your first year. 

Fees and Funding

Fees Icon


EU Status Fee - Modular
€900 per mod
Non EU Fee,
€1,288 per mod

How To Apply

How To Apply Icon

To apply for this programme:

  • All Applicants must apply through DCU's Student Application Portal which is available here. Here is a quick step by step guide if you need help with your application.
  • If applicable, provide evidence of competence in the English language as per DCU entry requirements.  Please see link

Study Visas are not required for this online course/programme.

Application Deadlines

Applications will open on 21st October 2024 for September 2025 entry and will be accepted on a rolling basis until the programme is full or until the following dates:  

  • The closing date for non-EU applicants is 1st July 2025.
  • The closing date for EU applicants is 31st July 2025. 

All entry requirements should be met before the commencement of the programme.


Queries from applicants should be directed to 

Commencement of Programme

The programme commences in September 2025.

Life On Campus

Life on Campus
DCU Campus Glasnevin

DCU Glasnevin Campus


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