Review and approval of results: Information for students
Review and approval of results: Information for students
The University has made a number of changes to the processes relating to the Review and approval of results in light of COVID-19 restrictions.
As a consequence, the dates for Progression and Award Boards and the Promulgation of Results have been revised.
Details of the processes are set out below.
All of this is being done to guarantee the quality of your degree and to ensure that we take the Covid-19 context and the challenges you face fully into account.
In summary:
- The university approach will be based on the fact that all students are facing difficult circumstances at this time. If you have extenuating circumstances different to the general impact of Covid-19 then you should bring these to the attention of the university through the standard process (see form here). Such extenuating circumstances will be taken into account and will be overseen by Programme chairs and faculties coordinated at Faculty level to ensure consistency of treatment across all programmes.
- Grades will be reviewed internally by an Examination Review Committee and will be checked against previous performance and to ensure the challenging circumstances have been taken into account. The Examination Review Committee will include the Programme Chair, ADTL or nominee, and, as appropriate, Head (s) of School, School Teaching Convenor (s), and Subject Representatives.
- External examiners will also provide feedback at the module and programme level to inform the Examination Review Committee and the Progression and Awards Board.
- The Progression and Award Boards – comprising Programme Chairs, Faculty Associate Deans for Teaching & Learning or nominee, Head(s) of School, Teaching Convenors/Subject Leaders (or equivalent), Executive Dean(s) of Faculty, Faculty Administration teams, and Registry staff – will approve final decisions of results and award classifications.
- Publication of results will be followed by consultation days as normal. Lecturers will post details of how to book an appointment in this period on the module Loop Page.
- As normal, following consultation students can ask for a module re-check, an assessment review or appeal the result.
- Details of resits will be posted on the module Loop page. We encourage you to discuss these with your lecturer