DCU Connected Postgraduate Courses
Management of Internet Enterprise Systems
The Graduate Diploma/Msc in Management of Internet Enterprise Systems develops your knowledge and skills in areas such as Cloud Computing and Social Networking, so that you can manage and apply key IS strategies to your organisation.
Management of Information Systems Strategy
The Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management of Information Systems Strategy will develop your confidence to manage in an environment where IS both drives and serves business, to align Information Strategy with the overall business strategy.
MSc in Management of Operations
The Graduate Diploma/Msc in Management of Operations enables you to function as a business analyst and manager of operations in technology-intensive business, manufacturing or services organisations, in both the public and private sectors.
Diagnostics and Precision Medicine
The MSc in Diagnostics and Precision Medicine is a new blended-learning programme that details how diagnostics and therapeutics are revolutionising healthcare and medicine by providing the right person with the right therapy at the right time.
Public Relations & Strategic Communications
The MSc in Public Relations & Strategic Communictions is designed to help you think strategically and make effective use of the latest tools in modern communications.
Masters in Special Educational Needs
The Masters in Special Educational Needs (MSEN) is a blended programme open to qualified experienced teachers working in primary and post-primary schools, or in special schools or classes.
Graduate Certificate in Education of Pupils on the Autism Spectrum
The Graduate Certificate in the Education of Pupils on the Autism Spectrum provides continuing professional development for teachers in how to assess individual pupils’ strengths and needs.
Professional Cert/Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education
The Professional Certificate/Diploma in Special & Inclusive Education has been developed in recognition of the need to support teachers in meeting the increasing diversity of pupils’ needs in mainstream classes.
Master of Education
The online Master of Education programme combines educational theory and applied studies and assists learners in the development of up-to-date knowledge in a chosen area of specialisation and beyond.
MSc in Elite Sport Performance
This course is aimed at early-career professionals working in the sport domain, and those with aspirations to work in this environment, who are motivated to extend their knowledge and understanding of elite sport performance and deepen discipline-specific expertise.
Professional Doctorate in Elite Performance (Sport)
The programme will exploit the working context of students by supporting them to develop evidence-based solutions to their ‘real world’ workplace problems from across the sporting landscape.