FEC - School of Computing
School of Computing


Primary Department
School of Computing
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
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Academic biography

Gareth J.F. Jones is a Professor in the School of Computing at Dublin City University (Ireland). He holds a B.Eng. (hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D. in Language Modelling for Continuous Automatic Speech Recognition from the University of Bristol (UK). He was previously a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge (UK) where he worked on one of the first projects in spoken content retrieval. He held a Toshiba Fellowship at the Toshiba Research and Development Center in Kawasaki (Japan) where he worked on Japanese language and cross-language information retrieval, and was a Lecturer at the University of Exeter (UK) where he pioneered research in context-based information retrieval and began his study of search of personal lifelog archives. His current research focuses on diverse areas of information retrieval and access technologies, including multilingual, multimedia and mobile applications.  Professor Jones has published more than 500 research papers, and has received a number of Best Paper Awards. He was General Co-Chair for ACM SIGIR 2013 and CLEF 2017, he is a co-organizer of the MediaEval multimedia evaluation benchmark which he co-founded in 2010, and has contributed to the organization of a numerous individual benchmark tasks in spoken and multimedia, eHealth and personalised information retrieval at the CLEF, NTCIR, FIRE, TREC and TRECVid international benchmarks. In 2021, he was the recipient of the DCU President's Research Award for Science, Engineering and Computing.

Research interests

Information retrieval and search technologies, including multimedia, multimodal, multilingual, personal content, professional content, affect in search, personalisation, interaction and engagement, evaluation and benchmarking