Dr. Lili

Academic biography
Lili Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing at Dublin City University (DCU), specialized in data analytics and computational modelling of human and machine decision-making. She is now leading the research of building a open-access 3-D gamification platform for Ecological Momentary Neurocognitive Assessment. She is also interested in using methodologies from cognitive psychology and game theory to understand Large Language Models (LLMs) behaviour, aiming to craft strategies to manage and steer LLM-based systems in ways that are beneficial and safe for humanity.
Lili completed here PhD in January 2023, focusing on developing smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment for enhancing phenotyping of human decision-making in clinical settings. She received her MSc in Instrumental Science and Technology from Harbin Institute of Technology in China.
Research interests
Computational Modelling; Ecological Momentary Assessment; Human decision-making; Machine Behaviour; Large language Models; Intelligent Computing