FEC - School of Computing
School of Computing


Primary Department
Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Assistant Professor
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr. Annalina Caputo is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing, Dublin City University and Academic Lead for the MSc in Artificial Intelligence (part-time).
Since January 2022, she is the Assistant Head for Research Management (Research Convenor) for the School of Computing @ DCU.
Annalina is funded investigator in the ADAPT 2 and I-Form centres, where she is conducting research in the area of personalisation applied to access to information and recommender systems.
In the ADAPT 2 centre, Dr Caputo is leading the Proactive Experience & Agency challenge within the  Digitally Enhanced Engagement strand. Dr Caputo's research is in the areas of Natural Language Processing,  Information Access and Retrieval, and Machine Learning.

Previously Annalina was an EDGE COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action research fellow in the ADAPT centre at Trinity College Dublin working on Temporal Aware Personalised Information Retrieval.
As part of the EDGE program, she has collaborated with Ryanair.
Prior this appointment, she was a PostDoc at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, working on intelligent information access and document representation.
She obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the same university working on Semantics and Information Retrieval.
She has participated in different evaluation campaigns in the areas of Information Retrieval (CLEF 2008-2009, Kaggle Allen AI Science Challenge), Lexical Semantics (SemEval 2012, *SEM 2013, SemEval 2015) and Entity Scoring and Linking (WSDM Cup 2017, NEEL 2015).

Dr Caputo is Guest Editor for KGSR 2021: Special Issue Knowledge Graphs for Search and Recommendation on Information (MDPI) and General Co-Chair for ECIR 2023, the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval.

Research interests

Intelligent Information Access

Text Representation and Information RetrievalTemporal DynamicsPersonalised Information RetrievalSemantic IRQuantum IRCross-LanguageQuestion AnsweringRecommender Systems

Natural Language Processing

Word Sense DisambiguationDistributional semantic modelsEntity LinkingDiachronic Analysis

Additive Manufacturing

Time series analysisAnomaly detectionRecommender Systems