DCU President Awards Innovation - Sean Fradl

President’s Awards for Innovation 2021

Seán Fradl, a fourth year Computer Applications student is the creator of Equine App - a cloud-based equine diet planning and reporting tool. The project combined the agricultural science of equine nutrition with modern web technologies. The application stores information surrounding nutrients in various different horse feeds and supplements and allows equine nutritionists to prepare diet reports for various different types of horses in different stages of their life cycles. 

The reports are branded to meet company requirements and digital copies are available to send immediately to customers. The development of the application was supported by Connolly’s Red Mills through the validation of scientific calculations that the application performs. Further developments are now underway, in close collaboration with Connolly’s Red Mills, who have also purchased the first annual license.

Other winners of the Presidents Awards listed below: 

  • Student-Postgraduate - Mohammad Hosseini 
  • Administrative & Support Staff - Mark Argue, DCU Estates
  • Academic & Research Staff - Dr Gary McDarby, Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics


Speaking at the awards the President of DCU Professor Daire Keogh said, 

“Innovation is a core element of DCU’s DNA. These awards are intended to highlight and foster the culture of innovation across everything we do at the university. The awards also recognise that innovation goes way beyond science and technology and is a way of thinking and looking at the world in the humanities, social science and education.”