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Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Intel Scholarship Students
Intel Scholarship Students 2020

Intel Partners with DCU to Celebrate Students

29 DCU students selected to receive Intel Masters scholarships and undergraduate awards

Intel Ireland this week awarded the latest recipients of a scholarship and awards programme for Dublin City University (DCU) students. This is the latest round of the programme, which first began in 2018, and sees 29 students from Undergraduate and Master’s disciplines receiving awards and scholarships. The programme forms part of an ongoing strategic partnership between Intel and DCU which was further strengthened following the signing of a memorandum of understanding by the head of Intel’s Irish operations, Eamonn Sinnott, and DCU President, Professor Brian MacCraith, in 2017.

As part of the programme the DCU students selected to receive Masters scholarships will receive a monetary grant as well as ongoing support and mentor provision by Intel. The eligible students for these scholarships are each studying Masters programmes in Electronic and Computer Engineering or Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

The scholarship programme provides each participant with €3000 to support their academic studies and also ensures that students have the opportunity to experience practical learning which is aligned to the needs of industry. The provision of employee mentors by Intel provides students with a direct relationship to the world of work.

The students receiving Undergraduate awards each receive a monetary prize of €500. The award recipients are selected based on academic achievement and this year, for the first time, these achievements were assessed at both a group and individual level. Along with 4 students who were awarded based on individual achievements, 3 group projects were awarded for their outstanding work. The 3 group projects recognised were for work on an autonomous car, mobile robotics and a fireman project.

On Monday January 27th at a special event held at the DCU campus, the latest recipients were unveiled and formally presented with their scholarships and awards. The presentations on the evening were made by DCU Vice President of External Affairs, Trevor Holmes, and Bernie Capraro, Intel Research and Higher Education Programme Manager, who both underpinned the importance of investing in programmes such as this in order to ensure that Ireland continues to produce exceptionally talented graduates.

DCU Vice President of External Affairs, Trevor Holmes, “This programme is a key enabler of collaboration and synchronicity between DCU and Intel, ensuring our close alignment as we each seek to develop and support a talent pipeline that will be fit for the future. Intel, as a leader in the technology industry, has a unique perspective on the engineering and technical requirements that the future will hold and programmes such as this are a pre-investment on their part in enabling the skills and knowledge that the next generation of our workforce will need”.

Bernie Capraro, Intel Research and Higher Education Programme Manager added, “It is bright, creative and curious minds that will be responsible for the innovations of tomorrow and the technologies and discoveries that we have yet to imagine. It is exciting for us in industry to engage with these bright young minds as they make their way through their academic journey and we are delighted to do so again with DCU as we sponsor this programme for the third year”.


The recipient students were as follows;

Masters Candidate Group

Charlotte Sommacal
Paul James Banahan
Sanjana Prasad Sivakumar
Mahmoud K.M. Elsousy
Abhishmita Gogoi Kalita
Fergus Redmond
Shubham Madhukar Sonarghare
Prateek Sahni
Arunkumar Balasubramaniam
Mohammad Sharik Khan
Melroy Cordeiro
Geo George Jacob
Evan Murphy
Viljamas Eitutis


Undergraduate Awards
Emily O'Reilly 
Zijian Li
Vivek Raj
Keith Carroll
Shane Cheshire
Shane Tuite
Sean Flynn
Niamh Murray
Kevin Shaji Paul
Amelia McGuinness
Aodhagan Watters
Eamon Kilheaney
Michael Long
Bartlomiej Baran
Martin Connolly

Further Information


DCU and Intel Memorandum of Understanding

In January 2017 Intel and Dublin City University signed an agreement which outlined how the two organisations will collaborate on talent development and on technologies that have the potential to transform how we live, learn, work and engage with the arts in the future.

Building on more than two decades of partnership between DCU and Intel, the two organisations formalised their relationship and identified joint areas of interest for greater collaboration in research and innovation, shaping public policy in key areas and the development of future talent.

Key areas of research activity will leverage advances in Internet of Things technology and Data Analytics for application in areas such as connected health, water quality management and STEM education innovations. The agreement will also seek to combine the creative arts and design with technology in the next wave of Irish innovation.

About Intel at DCU

Intel is a founding member of the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4). Intel has participated in numerous IC4-funded projects, particularly in the area of cloud scalability. Through their collaboration with IC4, Intel is a partner on two 4m Horizon 2020 projects through their collaboration with IC4 – CloudLightning and RECAP – which are designed to dramatically reduce the costs of cloud service provision and increase the performance of cloud computing.

Shimmer Research is an Irish R&D at the forefront of the provision of wearable wireless sensors in the world. Based in DCU Alpha Innovation Campus, the company designs, develops and manufactures a full range of wearable wireless sensors including kinematic, bio-physical, and ambient modules – paving the way for the next big wave in computing. The Shimmer platform was originally developed by Intel Research Labs in 2006, and Shimmer Research was established in 2008 following a worldwide licensing agreement.

Firmwave, another DCU Alpha company, has developed Firmwave® Edge, the first low-power, wireless sensor network platform powered by the latest Intel® Quark™ microcontroller technology.

Intel also works in partnership with Talent Garden which is located at DCU Alpha. The Intel  Movidius team facilitate an Edge AI Incubator at Talent Garden which gives companies the opportunity to come onboard and participate in a structured programme of technical guidance and support centered on Intel Movidius technology.

Intel is also working with DCU on the development of an Undergraduate course which will focus on deep learning with a specific emphasis on edge apps.Intel also supports a number of PhD students at DCU and has 2 Intel Residents in research working on hands on semiconductor research for the future which is funded by Intel and Enterprise IRL.

8 Intel employees are currently completing Engineering Masters programs at DCU.

About Intel

Intel is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices.

Additional information about Intel is available at:

Web - intel.ie  |   Twitter - @Intel_IRL   |   Facebook - Intel Ireland


INTEL CONTACT:                                                              
Sarah Sexton              
+353 87 659 3984



Christine Stears

+353 01 7005237
