FEC - School of Computing
School of Computing
McNulty Building - School of Computing (Photo: Ray Walshe)


The DCU School of Computing was established in 1980 and to this day continues to provide top level education to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The School is involved with several high profile nationally-funded Research Centres (Insight, ADAPT and Lero) and works in harmony with industry to develop innovative, industry-relevant courses.

We currently have in excess of 150 full-time researchers engaged in creating new knowledge in the domains of data analytics, natural language processing and software engineering in our school. We foster a culture of collaboration nationally and internationally which drives innovative discoveries in our areas of expertise. In addition, the majority of our staff are highly research active and the academic profile of staff in the School consists of 3 full professors, 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 23 assistant professors, 5 technical support staff, and a number of teaching assistants, who together deliver on Ireland’s ambitious research and innovation agenda.

The School of Computing is housed in the McNulty building on the DCU Glasnevin campus, and can be accessed through the Collins Avenue entrance.

Follow the links for further details on the activities the School is involved in:

Undergraduate courses

Postgraduate courses


Contact Us:

Email: Computingsecretary@dcu.ie

Phone Number: 01 700 8980