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DCU President's Awards for Engagement 2018


The 2018 President’s Awards for Engagement were presented at a ceremony on 18th April, 2018 by DCU President Professor Brian MacCraith. For the first time, the event was held jointly with DCU Invent who announced the winners of the Presidential Award for Innovation.


The 2018 award winners are:

Student Category €1,000 Winner: Special Merit Award; Student Category €500 Winner:
biological_research_society_ DCU
Ornella Nana (MSc International Relations) for her work as a youth advocate and in youth empowerment, for educating young people on sustainable development goals and wide-ranging public engagement. (on the photo: Ornella’s colleague receives the award on behalf of Ornella)   Biological Research Society for their student driven, creative and fun science promotion activities and workshops for young people and children linking in with the Aisling Project, Ballymun.
Staff Category €1,000 Winner: Special Merit Award; Staff Category €500 Winner:
Dr Briege Casey (School of Nursing and Human Sciences) for her work in the areas of homelessness, poverty, substance misuse, intellectual disability, art and creativity and in particular leading on the Certificate in Homeless Prevention, Object Poverty exhibition and Love Loss Life project.  Dr Mary Rose Sweeney and Prof Theresa Burke (School of Nursing and Human Sciences) for leading the whole-university, multi-campus research activities laying foundations for and informing the designation of DCU as the world’s first Autism Friendly University.
Event Gallery Special Award in Enterprise Engagement; €500 Winner:

  Prof Deirdre Butler (School of STEM, Innovation and Global Studies) for her work in the development and engagement of “Smart Partnerships” to develop STEM competencies and multiple initiatives in the area of STEM education

Speaking after the ceremony, Professor Ronaldo Munck said: “The President's Award for Engagement competition 2018 saw a record amount of entrants. This reflects the vibrant community of engaged scholars at DCU across the disciplines. Also the student body for the first time saw a greater number of applications that those for the staff category.
That reflects the work of Clubs and Socs and the newly appointed DCU Volunteer coordinator. Across the board then, amongst staff and students DCU presents as most engaged university that is, one committed to addressing the needs of society together with local communities and relevant communities of practice.
We would like to congratulate all entries to this year's award and commit ourselves to work with you all for an even more engaged and committed DCU in the year ahead.”


Nominations and Posters 2018


Click the link to read the news story on DCU News website :  https://www.dcu.ie/news/news/2018/Apr/DCU-honours-outstanding-contributions-Engagement-awards.shtml

Download the Presidents Awards for Engagement 2018 booklet: https://www.dcu.ie/sites/default/files/community/pdfs/presidents_awards_engagements_2018_fa.pdf

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