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President's Award for Engagement 2013 - Winners


The President, Professor Brian MacCraith announced the winners at the President's Award for Engagement 2013 ceremony held in the Helix on 20th May.

The winners are:

President's Award for Engagement 2013- Winners, student category President's Award for Engagement 2013- Winner, staff Category
Student Category  €1,000 Winner: Staff Category €1,000 Winner:
BSc Health & Society year 1 students Dr Adam McAuley (School of Law & Government)
Module NS142 Placement Module
Working with marginalised groups-volunteering placements Placement in Society


Special mentions:

President's Awards for Engagement 2013- Special Mention

Special Award for Public Engagement €250 Winner:

Anthony Foley (DCU Business School)
Public Engagement: Continuing Contibution to the Media Debate and Discussion of the Economic Crisis over the Past Several Years

President's Awards for Engagement 2013 - Posters

Special Award for Social Engagement €250 Winner:

Gráinne Healy (SALIS)
Marriage Equality

President's Award for Engagement 2013- Special Mention

Special Award for Public Engagement €250 Winner:

Dr. Jane Suiter (School of Communications)  and  Dr. Eoin O'Malley (School of Law and Government)
Deliberative Democracy

Posters at the event (click on poster image to enlarge):

President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster Finglas Community Garden  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-Raymond Moran  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster Engaging Citizens  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster Anthony Foley  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-DCU in the Community President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-Donore Community Project  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-Aisling Project President's Award for Engagement 2013-Poster,Marriage Equality 
President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-Winning in tendering President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-The First National Risk Matrix  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-HeadstARTS  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-Creative Literacy/Teaching Creativity  President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-Project F.U.T.S.A.L.   President's Award for Engagement - 2013, Poster-How Studying in DCU can make a difference in our society

Click the link to read the news story on DCU News website : https://www.dcu.ie/news/2013/may/s0513s.shtml

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