Orliath Onoh

Growing up, I've always had a strong love and passion for Politics and trying to understand how the world functions. Wanting to learn about international, social, economical and political relations pushed me to further pursue a course that highlighted the importance of these topics and their role in our society. The EPL degree in DCU appealed to me because it was structured differently to other similar courses in different universities in Ireland. This degree has allowed me to understand how three fundamental subjects of our society often interact with each other in order to establish the major frameworks that must exist to govern any society. EPL is a very broad degree that provides flexibility for students to pursue any career path. Personally, it has allowed me to think critically and to question both international and governmental policy rather than take them at face value.
What are the highlights of your undergraduate experience at DCU?
I would say that my biggest highlight at DCU has been the ability to engage in student politics and really transfer my skills from the classroom to the Student Union. Last year, I was elected as Societies Officer for the 2022/2023 academic year. I'm really excited to represent all societies and students within DCU and become their spokesperson for any issues they may have. Another highlight would be all the events that I have been able to attend such as the Freshers Ball. It was a great experience and an amazing event to take place in DCU to welcome all 2nd year students who missed out on 1st year fun due to COVID.
What are your career plans or hopes?
Having gotten experience this summer working as a finance intern I would love to continue a career down the finance and economics path, hopefully by working for the World Bank, IMF or ECB. After my undergraduate degree, I hope to do a masters in Economics and Finance or in Economic Policy and perhaps finish my education by further specialising with a PHD in Politics focusing on researching development in Africa and Asia.
Have you any advice for incoming students?
My advice would be to have a good balance between college work and fun. You don't want to burn out by studying 24/7. A good and reasonable amount of study every week will certainly keep you on top of things. Do not leave things to the last minute or the week before exams or you will get seriously stressed. Make friends and enjoy the college experience. EPL is a very heavy course in the sense that you're learning three subjects at once. So it is important to keep track of everything. Sometimes it can get overwhelming but if you keep on top of what is required (i.e doing assignments as soon as they are handed out) you should be fine.