Karl Cogan

Profile picture of Karl Cogan

I chose the MSc in Science and Health Communication as I am regularly involved in developing different types of communication regarding the development and safety of medicines. I felt a deeper understanding of science and health communication would benefit my role and afford new opportunities to complement my scientific training. 

Students have an opportunity to really shape their learning in each module to focus on areas of most interest to them, so I found that useful. But there is just the right amount of supervision to keep you on track.  

I particularly enjoyed many interesting discussions between students that would often take place during class, which was very much encouraged by the lecturers. Additionally, I never thought I would write a report on the media coverage around the use of genetically modified pig organs for human transplantation, but the course brings you in so many unexpected and stimulating directions. 

In addition to supporting my current role, the MSc in Science and Health Communication has rounded my learning to complement my scientific training and professional experience to date. It has definitely broadened the types of roles available for the future.

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