Ethel Matarutse

Profile picture of Ethel Matarutse

As someone who returned to college as a mature student, I knew I wanted to continue my education as soon as I finished my undergraduate degree. Being a registered psychiatric nurse who provides mental health care to individuals from marginalised communities, the MSc in Health and Social Inclusion course was relevant to me. The course curriculum highlighted the relational nature of social exclusion for people from marginalised communities and those with mental health challenges. Modules which included ‘Health Promotion in Contexts of Marginalisation’, ‘Health and Social Engagement across Lifespan’, ‘Leadership & Innovation for Health & Social Inclusion’ and, ‘Trauma informed Professional Practice’, equipped me with the knowledge and skills required to tackle these issues. The lecturers were always incredibly helpful, approachable and responsive when I needed assistance or support. Another key component of the course for me was the flexibility around my work and family life. I managed to complete the course while working full-time as a staff nurse in an acute mental health hospital.

The highlight for me was when I was awarded a full PhD scholarship almost at the same time that I finished the MHSI course. The MSc in Health and Social Inclusion, particularly ‘Research and Evaluation Methods’ and ‘Research Dissertation’ modules, provided me with a solid foundation for pursuing a Doctorate degree.

DCU Prospectus - MSc Health and Social Inclusion