Edoardo Celeste

Edoardo Celeste is an Assistant Professor of Law, Technology and Innovation at the School of Law and Government of Dublin City University. Edoardo is the Programme Chair of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Law, Data and Artificial Intelligence (EMILDAI), the Deputy-Director of the DCU Law Research Centre and the coordinator of the DCU Law and Tech Research Cluster.
Edoardo has been involved in numerous competitively-won research projects securing funding both by public and private institutions. Edoardo is the author of two monographs 'Digital Constitutionalism: The Role of Internet Bills of Rights' (Routledge 2022) and ‘The Content Governance Dilemma’ (Palgrave 2023). He published his works in leading legal journals and edited three books 'Data Protection Beyond Borders' (Hart 2021), 'Constitutionalising Social Media' (Hart 2022), and ‘Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Post-Brexit’ (Hart 2023).
Edoardo is currently affiliated with the ADAPT Centre and the UCD Centre for Human Rights, and he is a member of the Ethics, Politics, Law and Philosophy Committee of the Royal Irish Academy. Edoardo won the Irish Research Council Early Career Researcher of Year Award 2022.
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