Dawn Wheatley

Hi I’m Dawn Wheatley and I’m an Assistant Professor at DCU’s School of Communications and Chair of the BA in Journalism. I actually studied the BA Journalism in DCU myself, and went on to work as a production journalist and subeditor for the Irish Daily Mail and the Irish Times. Before starting my current role at DCU, I completed a PhD where I researched how news outlets cover the Irish healthcare sector, and I was particularly interested in what voices and stories make it into the news, and what this can tell us about how news outlets work in the digital age.
As you may know, DCU is ranked no.1 in Ireland for Communications and I work with many brilliant colleagues in the School of Communications. My work mostly focuses on journalism, political communication and social media and I teach a mix of theory and practical subjects on the journalism degree, so you can expect to see me for modules such as Networked News, Data Journalism, and Research for Journalists.
My most recent research projects focus on female journalists’ experiences on social media; a survey of Irish journalists for an international project called the Worlds of Journalism; and I led the Irish study of the Global Media Monitoring Project, which captures gender representation in the news. I’ve also written a couple of articles for RTE Brainstorm, which is a great platform that takes often complicated topics and breaks them down for a public audience.