Caoimhe Duignan

I chose this course because I enjoyed maths in secondary school and I felt that I could handle a maths-heavy degree.
The course has greatly exceeded my expectations. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I do. The students have formed a tight-knit friendship because of the small course size, while the modules are challenging but do-able.
My favourite part of this course is the programming. I had no prior experience in programming before attending DCU, but it quickly became my favourite subject. The collaborative element in the lab sessions and the satisfaction I feel when I complete problems have kept me fully engaged throughout the year.
Adjusting to university learning
This is quite a difficult course and can seem overwhelming at first. Good time management is imperative because of the heavy workload and demanding modules. You do adjust quickly to these expectations, however, and the course doesn’t seem so daunting after long.
Third year data science students spend 10 months on an INTRA work placement, which is usually paid. INTRA enables students to get experience working in the real world and to network with employers. Companies can also offer jobs to students for when they graduate if they perform well on their placement. I’m really looking forward to that part of the course.