Brian Dufficy

I chose to study mechanical engineering due to the wide range of industries that you can go into upon graduating. I chose the sustainable systems and energy master’s course as I had developed a sense of responsibility to work proactively towards a sustainable future. I would say the course more or less met my expectations. I expected a tough learning experience filled with rewarding and challenging times, which is exactly what I got.
What I enjoyed most was the mix of solitary and collaborative learning throughout the course, as well as the amount of hands-on learning. Overall, being a student of mechanical engineering gave me a strong base in problem-solving, using technical skills, and thinking carefully. I always enjoyed the hands-on modules. One module that stood out to me is MM310 (Product Design), where we designed a robot climbing a ladder while carrying water. Taking the design from feasibility, to actually building it and coming 3rd in the competition, was one of the highlights for me.
I am now in the renewable energy development sector, and this course has impacted my career by allowing me to quickly come to terms with the technical aspects of my job. From covering similar concepts during my studies, I have settled into the job easily. If you are unsure of what course to do but have an aptitude for maths and problem-solving, this course offers the perfect platform to start your career. There is just such a wide range of industries that you can get into, and engineering is so well sought after in the working world.
DCU Prospectus - Go back to MEng in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering