Brian Cafferty

Hi my name is Brian Cafferty and I am a 3rd year Data Science student here in DCU. I originally chose Data Science as my degree because I really enjoy maths and I knew this course contained plenty of it, as I had no exposure to computer programming, and experience in this field was not required. Yet, over the last 2 years I have enjoyed every minute of modules not containing maths. The modules really ease you into the computing side of Data Science and you start right from the beginning. Data Science has certainly exceeded my expectations in every aspect, from the interactivity of each module, to the compelling material you’re learning on a daily basis.
A personal factor I enjoy from Data Science is the lack of essay assignments. Obviously you will have to write some from time to time, but I much prefer solving problems and completing tasks and Data Science is great at targeting these skills rather than focusing on reading and writing. This has truly developed my way of thinking about things in a different light. My favourite modules were Computer Programming 1 and 2. These modules are the bases of computer programming and challenge your problem solving skills, whilst allowing you to work as a team in the labs, which again allows you to get to know your classmates a lot better.
In third year you partake in INTRA, a placement provided by DCU. I’m looking forward to this as I will obtain a better understanding of the career Data Science will provide me. I feel this explains the brilliance of Data Science, as it is so broad and you’re always learning new things throughout every semester. My final piece of advice for anyone looking to study Data Science here in DCU would be to stick at it. The first few weeks was a real shock as the maths was different and I had no experience with computing at this level. But I am so glad I stuck at it, as it slowly begins to come together with every module naturally when you keep working at it.