Abby Collinge

I chose to do electronic and computer engineering because I’ve always been fascinated by technology, particularly circuits. In doing common entry engineering, I found I was most interested in circuits-based modules and really enjoyed doing electronics labs where I was able to construct and test different circuits. I've learnt about so many interesting areas such as electromagnetism and algorithms.
I never find a lecture boring because of how relevant it all is to today's world. I'll be sitting in a lecture learning all about how the laptop right in front of me is functioning. I also enjoy the creative aspect of it all that I did not expect. Problem solving is a major part of the course and I have learned that to be a good problem solver, you must be creative.
Benefit from real-world experience
Currently on my INTRA placement in Tomra Food, I am a systems engineering intern and I am really enjoying it. We specialise in tinkering and upgrading machines that are already out in the field. I assist in running tests, assembling new parts and installing software. I’ve been able to work in new areas such as optics (when installing cameras into the machines). I’ve gained a lot of knowledge that I’m certain will benefit me in the future.
Class of 2023
DCU Prospectus - Go back to Electronic and Computer Engineering