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School of Communications
IAMCR 2013: "Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders" Conference, 25-29 June 2013

IAMCR 2013: "Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders" Conference, 25-29 June 2013

The School of Communications will be hosting the IAMCR 2013 annual conference on 25-29 June 2013. The overarching theme of the conference is "Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders".

The conference theme engages with the concepts of crisis and "creative destruction", associated with historically-rare periods of intensified flux, change and all-round, multi-dimensional processes of innovation.

The theme invites reflections on whether or how the current deep economic/financial crisis and its attendant gales of "creative destruction" may promote deep, fundamental or multiple shifts in the geo-political and communication orders globally. Examples of specific sub-themes here include considerations of whether and how the current crisis may serve to:

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To book the Accomodation, please click here. Also you can Book the Tours and Irish Night entertainment.

The Final Conference Programme

The Final Programme PDF is now ready to download - Final Programme PDF (PDF file, 2,941KB)

Apologies for the inconveniences, we hope the problems will be solved soon.

Primary Contact

Contact: info@iamcr2013dublin.com

  • Reshape the roles, operations and key features of mediated communication, not least the enhanced role of social media forms and practices;
  • Amplify tendencies or shifts towards new geo-political configurations, including an expanded role for the media and cultural services in the operation of global power and hegemony;
  • Accelerate change in the inter-play between "new" and "mature" media institutions and their typical practices, cultural forms, and policy frameworks;
  • Amplify the search for new and more globally attuned theories and concepts within the expanding and rapidly diffusing field of media communication studies.