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School of Communications

DC291/DC292 Bachelor of Arts: Joint Honours (Media Studies subject)

DC291 - Bachelor of Arts: Joint Honours (Media Studies)

Select Media Studies + One other subject from:

English | International Languages | Politics

Media Studies: 

  • You'll learn how we are shaped by culture, about the social and economic pressures on media organisations and the way mass media are used by government, corporations and others to influence us as citizens and as consumers.


  • You’ll engage with a wide range of literature and become familiar with the vital characteristics and contexts of drama, poetry, film and fiction.

International Languages (French, German, Spanish): 

  • You’ll acquire proficiency in your chosen language and learn about culture, film, literary traditions and intercultural communication.


  • You'll study areas as diverse as international political economy, international development, the politics of climate change, politics of the Middle East, Chinese foreign policy, and conflict, security and peace.

DC291 Course page

DC292 - Bachelor of Arts: Joint Honours (Law)

Select Law + One other subject from:

History | International Languages | Media Studies


  • You'll learn how we are shaped by culture, about the social and economic pressures on media organisations and the way mass media are used by government, corporations and others to influence us as citizens and as consumers.


  • You’ll engage with a wide range of literature and become familiar with the vital characteristics and contexts of drama, poetry, film and fiction.

International Languages (French, German, Spanish): 

  • You’ll acquire proficiency in your chosen language and learn about culture, film, literary traditions and intercultural communication.

Media Studies: 

  • You'll study areas as diverse as international political economy, international development, the politics of climate change, politics of the Middle East, Chinese foreign policy, and conflict, security and peace.

DC292 Course page