Communications - Research
Postgraduate Research Opportunities at the School of Communications
Research Opportunities
Staff in the School of Communications are interested in supervising masters by research and PhDs on a wide variety of topics. These include - but are not limited to - the following areas:
Media & Democracy
Global Risk Communication
Media & Social Change
Media History & Contemporary Journalism
Practice-based Research & Professional Practice
Finding a Research Partner or Supervisor
For individual staff members’ areas of expertise please see Research Areas and Interests as well as individual staff profiles.
DCU Application Processes and Scholarships
How to apply to DCU Postgraduate Research Programmes
Scholarships and grants
DCU Daniel O'Hare PhD Scholarship Scheme
Useful Links to Research and Opportunties and Research Funding
DCU - Related Sources
DCU Research and Innovation Support
DCU Internal Funding Schemes
Irish Funding Agencies
External Sources
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
BAI (Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) Sound and Vision II scheme
The Equality Authority
The Higher Education Authority
The Irish Fulbright Commission
The Royal Irish Academy
Enterprise Ireland
NORDICOM upcoming conferences