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DCU's Alumni Office shares the love for Valentine's Day

Love is in the air as graduates share their love stories that began in DCU


The annual DCU Alumni St Valentine’s Day competition – a light-hearted competition aimed at couples who first met in the university - saw some heartwarming DCU love stories and couple photos shared for Valentine’s Day 2023.

The competition is a huge hit for DCU's Alumni Office and the winners are treated to JustEat vouchers.

Image of Jim and Sinead

Jim and Sinéad met while studying Communications

Jim and Sinéad met when they both became Class Representatives for their Communication Studies programme. When classes went online due to the pandemic, the pair continued to stay in touch.

When they finally had the opportunity to meet up in 2021, they went on their first date and told us “We’ve been inseparable ever since!"

Image of Tom and Abigael walking down the aisle

Tom and Abigael met in the Christian Union Society at DCU 

Tom and Abigael first got to know each other through their involvement with the Christian Union Society at DCU. After two years, the pair went on their first date. They returned to DCU in June 2022 to graduate and embarked on their honeymoon the following day. 


Image of Dervla and Matthew

Dervla and Matthew met in NuBar 

Dervla was studying Law and Politics when she met Engineering student Matthew in NuBar - DCU's student bar based on the Glasnevin Campus - and told us “It was love at first sight!”. For their first date, they attended a comedy show. Seven years later, Dervla and Matthew have bought their first home together.

Image of Ava and Andrew

Ava and Andrew met in their first year at university

Law and Society graduates Ava and Andrew told us "It was meant to be" as they shared their DCU love story. The couple met in their first year of studying at DCU and shared their first kiss at the Law and Society Ball in 2018. They will be celebrating almost five years together soon.

  • Katie, a Gaeilge agús Iriseoireacht graduate, met Nathan, a Marketing, Innovation and Technology graduate, in 2018 through their involvement with the production of 'Chicago' by DCU's Drama Society. The couple has recently returned from a trip to Paris and they will celebrate four years together in May.

  • Niall and Ellen travelled to the United States together while studying Global Business at DCU. They are now settled in Boston, MA.