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Pop Up Vaccination hub

Pop-up vaccination centre on Glasnevin campus

Unvaccinated students and staff and those who have recovered from COVID-19 encouraged to attend

A pop-up COVID-19 vaccination centre will open on Tuesday September 28th on DCU’s Glasnevin campus. It is one of eleven such centres in third level institutions across the country.

It will be located in the Nursing Building (which is at the main Collins Avenue entrance, see map here) and will be open to students and staff who have not yet availed of the vaccination. The centre will provide first or second doses of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

Opening hours

It will be open from 10:30am until 7pm Tuesday 28th, 10:30am until 1pm Wednesday 29th and 10:30am to 7pm Thursday 30th.

Anyone attending can do so whether they have registered on the HSE’s vaccine portal or not.

What to bring with you to the vaccination centre

Please bring photo ID (passport, drivers licence or Public Services Card) and your PPS number.

Anyone attending for a second dose should bring their original vaccine card and be aware that the mandatory gap between a first and second Pfizer BioNTech dose is 21 days.

Anyone who has had COVID-19 can get vaccinated after their recovery and at least four weeks after diagnosis or onset of symptoms, or four weeks from the first PCR positive specimen in those who are asymptomatic.

Speaking about the pop-up centre, Terence Rooney, DCU Students’ Union President said,

“I would urge anyone who hasn’t gotten vaccinated to get it now. It’s particularly important as we’re all back on campus. If you’ve had COVID that doesn’t mean you’re immune and don’t need to get jabbed, you do, to keep yourself safe and to keep your friends and family safe.”