Prof John Crown
Prof. John Crown

Prof. John Crown admitted to the Royal Irish Academy

Prof John Crown, professor of Translational Cancer Research at Dublin City University and clinical research professor at University College Dublin was one of the 27 new members of the Royal Irish Academy. They were elected for their exceptional contribution to the sciences, humanities and social sciences as well as to public service.

Prof. Crown has published widely on clinical and translational research in breast cancer therapy.


Dr Mary Canning, President of the Royal Irish Academy, said:

“These 27 new Members are recognised for their scholarly achievements, typically reflecting many years of research, or for significant contributions to Irish society. They bring international academic distinction to our country and we should be immensely proud of these remarkable women and men. As Members of the Academy, they will strengthen our capacity to provide expert advice on Higher Education and Research policy.”


Prof. John Crown said

“I am very grateful to DCU for nominating me for membership of the Academy, an honour which would not be possible without the outstanding efforts of our translational cancer research team at NICB, and the commitment of the University and its leadership. 

I would like to acknowledge the key role of Professor Martin Clynes, who invited me to collaborate with his research group more than 20 years ago.”


Prof. Daire Keogh, President of DCU, said

“As a recognised pioneer in translational medicine, Prof Crown has made a huge contribution to the work of DCU’s National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology and the School of Biotechnology. 

His work to develop new cancer treatments has undoubtedly had a profound impact on many people’s lives, making him a truly worthy recipient of this great honour. On behalf of all his colleagues at DCU, I congratulate him on his acceptance into the Royal Irish Academy.”


The 27 new Members of the Royal Irish Academy are:


Francis Peter Barry (NUIG); Frank Barry (TCD); Ruth Barton (TCD); Joseph Bergin (Manchester University); John Brannigan (UCD); Janice Carruthers (QUB); John Crown (St Vincent's, DCU, UCD); Deirdre Curtin (European University Institute); Philip Dine (NUIG); John Feehan (UCD); Gerard W Hogan (Court of Justice of the European Union); Derek Jackson (UU); Pierre Joannon (Independent scholar); Joseph Keane (TCD); Ed Lavelle (TCD); Anne Magurran (University of St Andrews); N Gerard McElvaney (RCSI); Rory Montgomery (QUB, TCD); Michael Anthony Morris (TCD); Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail (UCD); Philip Nolan (MU); Bashar Nuseibeh (UL); Brian O’Connor (UCD); Lorraine O’Driscoll (TCD); Richard Schoch (QUB); Patrick Sims-Williams (Aberystwyth University); Desmond Tobin (UCD).


There are 637 Members of the Royal Irish Academy including: Nobel Laureates William C. Campbell and John O'Keefe; Louise Richardson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Frances Ruane, economist; Philip Lane, European Central Bank; Fabiola Gianotti, Director General CERN; Brigid Laffan, Irish political scientist and Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies; and Geraldine Byrne-Nason, Ireland's Permanent Representative to the UN


The Academy has been honouring Ireland’s leading contributors to the world of learning since its establishment in 1785 and those elected by their peers are entitled to use the designation ‘MRIA’ after their name.


Past Members have included Maria Edgeworth, a pioneer of the modern novel and Nobel laureates: WB Yeats; Ernest Walton, Erwin Schrödinger and Seamus Heaney.