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Focus on EU approach to ageing in upcoming Age-Friendly University Network event

Forum will examine the recently published Green Paper on Ageing from the European Commission

Improvements in health-care, education, standards of living and social and economic conditions over the past fifty years, have all contributed to European citizens now living longer and healthier lives. The development of this trend poses both challenges and opportunities for individuals and society.

In light of this, earlier this year, the European Commission presented a Green Paper on Ageing with a view to initiating a broad policy debate on what lies ahead for Europe’s ageing society, and inviting the public to express their views on the matter.

This coming Thursday (March 4th), DCU Age-Friendly University Network will host a virtual event discussing the Green Paper on Ageing with panelists Nicola Clavin, EU Commission, Mairead Hayes, former CEO of the Irish Senior Citizens Parliament and Age Advocate and Christine O’Kelly, DCU AFU Co-ordinator.

The paper raises questions that span across the life-cycle from the formative years through to retirement age. There are four key areas of interest relating to challenges and opportunities throughout the life-cycle.

  • Formative years: life-long learning,  healthy  and active ageing
  • Working age: labour markets, productivity, innovation and business
  • Growing needs: healthcare, long-term care / mobility, connectivity, well-being
  • Retirement: opportunities volunteering, intergenerational relations, adequate, fair and sustainable pension systems, old-age poverty

Speaking in advance, Christine O’Kelly, DCU AFU Co-ordinator said, 

“Ageing is not just about sustaining growth and the welfare state. It is about our societies as a whole and how we interact across generations. We need to discuss  how to ensure everyone - young and old can participate on a fair and equal basis and how we can ensure intergenerational solidarity with enabling policies that lead the way to supporting a dynamic society.”

The EU Green Paper on Ageing, DCU Age-Friendly University webinar, Thursday, March 4th from 10.30AM to 11.30AM. Click here to register 

Also, on March 11th DCU Age-Friendly will host a second event - a facilitated workshop which will provide an opportunity for the public to share views and address the questions posed by the EU which will inform future EU policy. Click here to register for March 11th.