ECIU University hosts international event on the micro-credentials movement
Over 300 participants across Europe participated in a virtual event organised by ECIU University on the topic of micro-credentials earlier today.
During the event, ECIU University presented its white paper ‘Paving the road for the micro-credential movement’, outlining its vision and commitment to concrete actions for the continuous development of the micro-credentials movement.
DCU’s Professor Mark Brown, Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning, delivered a keynote address and along with Henri Pirkkalainen, ECIU University micro-credentials lead, spoke about ECIU University’s ambitions.
Participants also heard from Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of the Unit in charge of Higher Education Policies and Programme at the European Commission, who spoke about the Commission’s perspective on the next steps for the micro-credentials movement. Anthony Camilleri, Director at Knowledge Innovation Centre MicroHE, reflected on different micro-credentials movement’s future development scenarios.
Micro-credentials are an opportunity to fundamental change universities’ role in transforming learning and being a promising means of aligning universities with wider societal perspective and valued social goals. They redefine the types of awards and qualifications offered by universities and can align universities’ missions with wider societal, economic and environmental goals.
For further information about the event, visit https://www.eciu.org/news/paving-the-road-for-the-micro-credentials-movement